PSL Book Tag

Autumn is here! I mainly love autumn because it sits right in the middle between scorching summers and ice cold winters. And since I’m not a fan of either scorching suns or frost bitten fingers, Autumn always was a lovely welcome. Not to mention all of the cozy fuzzy sweaters! 😍

With PSL you either love it or hate it. I can confidently say that yes I’m that person who LOVES PSL and tries to get it whenever possible. I love the subtle spiciness, the sweet nutty flavors, and the warmth that reaches my toes after sipping on this seasonal goodness.

So of course when I stumbled on Care @bookchesirecat PSL inspired book tag I knew I HAD to do it. The book tag’s original creator is The Book Pusher and she even has a Youtube vid about it. So check these two lovelies out!

I Tag :

Anyone who bought or will buy a PSL in the next week ☕️🍂👀

If you’d like to, ping back to me. I would love to see your own PSL inspired tags 😍

The Questions

PSL : A book that everyone likes to hate on but is actually delicious

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Granted this book did have its heyday, but I can’t help but stan it ya’ll 🙈. Though I wouldn’t call it “delicious”, it did have a really profound effect on my reading choices and tastes. It was one of the first “angsty” books I read as a preteen and Augustus gave me my first heartbreak…thanks John 🌚

“Fall is my favorite season” : A cliche you can’t get enough of

Enemies to lovers and polar opposites romance trope (don’t know if that exists but you know what I mean). Mix it in with the star-crossed lovers trope. I love torturing myself like this and I don’t know why but the angst people, THE ANGST.

Sweater Weather to T-Shirt Weather : A book you thought was one thing but was completely different by the end.

The Magicians by Lev Grossman

This was attributed as “Harry Potter for adults” and as a major HP fan I thought this would be the perfect book for me. It was more mature and darker, centred on magic and dark academia. 

Unfortunately this book was a disaster

The MC was a selfish pessimistic brat who literally made the book unbearable. The “friendships” in the book were toxic; basically a bunch of people who screw each other over for a selfish reason or none at all. The pacing and speed of the book killed me, and just remembering me reading it gives me a sour taste in my mouth. If you want to see the full rant review, check out my Goodreads.

Spoops : Do you have a spooky book on your TBR?

Clown on a Cornfield by Adam Cesare

Killer clowns are making a comeback! As if I wasn’t mortified by them the first time around…

For more spooky recs, check out my top books for fall season TTT 🍂

Tarot Reading : A 5 Star Prediction

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

A romeo and juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai that incorporates SFF elements AND it ticks off my fav cliches: star-crossed lovers, enemies to lovers, and forbidden love.

I am so ecstatic for this, you don’t even know.

Sephora Sage + Crystal Set : A book that meant well but missed the mark by a landslide

Pride by Ibi Zoboi

This book wasn’t particularly bad but it was alright and that was that. Which to me is a problem. I need to have some sort of emotion towards the character and story. 

So the concept was cool but the book lacked depth.

Hope you liked the book tag! Are you a PSL stan or nah?

As always subscribe or follow to not miss anything!

Published by jawahirthebookworm

Hello I’m Jawahir the bookworm, a lost twenty-something year old bookish blogger who enjoys her books with a cup of strong coffee; milk no sugar no cream.

8 thoughts on “PSL Book Tag

  1. Oh my gosh I totally agree with you on Pride. I think I went into it with a set list of expectations and even though I didn’t hate the story at all, I feel like it could have been so much better. I loved this tag and reading your amazing answers!

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